The handyman! Fortunately he didn't see me in my large "North by Northwest" t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, argyle socks, and torn up moccasins.
I rarely dress to impress, I only try to look decent when I go to church or concerts (the fancy kind ^_~) and look semi-decent when I go to school.
Speaking of church, I've never really understood how people can go to religious services dressed in t-shirts, jeans or shorts, and sandals, it just boggles my mind but I guess it's natural for that to bother me since I've always had to wear my "sunday best" and when I was a kid I even got to wear a "fancy" hat on Easter Sunday.
I'm sure God could care less what one wears when worshipping Him but I suppose what I personally find important is the thought and effort that goes behind trying to look nice (not necessarily fashionable, simply nice, neat, and clean). The same applies to other situations as well, dressing appropriately for certain occasions or places is something I think people should start putting more thought into. I mean, do you really want your classmates to see your thong? Or be the weird neighbor who goes outside only in his whitey tighties (trust me you DON'T want to end up like my neighbor)? Ending up with blisters or stubbed toes because you wore the wrong footwear? As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Oh no I'm getting biblical!) "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose"; so save the thong show for the beach, the briefs for the privacy of your home, and don't wear your stilettos or cute flats when you know you have to do a lot of walking.
Who would have thought that a tomboy like me would be annoyed at people who don't wear "appropriate" attire?

My brother and I after church, yup I'm wearing a skirt! crazy I know ^_^
P.S. You'll have to get used to my tangents, I really can't help myself ;-)